Japan Bridge by Katsuyuki Kurachi

Katsuyuki Kurachi (Aikido 4th Kyu) November 3rd , 2011
On the second day of the seminar, I was refrained from training with people from outside Japan. I thought they have come a long way to train and I was wondering if they think I’m not good enough to train with them. “They came long way to learn Aikido, not to teach an inexperienced person like me.” I felt sorry they were wasting time and their money.

However, they were very kind to me and practiced with me and gave me many valuable points. Because of that, I have received many fresh essences from them.

In the last day of the seminar, an idea came cross my mind. “Despite spending valuable 3 days of training and learning, I could not perform Aikido techniques well at all, including the National Exam I have taken recently and with my life, I tried but I could not achieve my goal.” I felt like I should be crying.

However, I attended the last day with the attitude, from the story of Shimizu Sensei and direct teachings from Shimizu Sensei and Ikeda Sensei and my attitude and thinking has changed.

I have realized: “If you think about it, I have received enough valuable lessons from Sensei’s and the same time I have received the great experience of practicing with everyone!” “If you cannot perform well, I should try harder and I should spend more time to improve.”

I have been reading “The vision of the legend” for the 5th time, I was feeling blue. I have realized it is important to have life experience and training. I’m wondering if this is the teaching what Ikeda Sensei said “You have to use sense/feel to the knowledge”.

I’m writing this thought as I practice the spirits of “True wining is the victory over yourself”, by next spring, I hope to be growing stronger in spiritually and improve my Aikido.
Thank you very much to all Sensei’s and all the people at the seminar.

何故ならば高い費用をかけて遠方から来られて「私の様な者が相手では物足りない」と感じられるのではないか? 「習いに来たのに、私に教える為に来たのではない」と思われたら、申し訳ないと思っていました。
しかし、どの方々も喜んで私の相手をして下さり、私に惜しみなく教えて下さりました。 そのおかげで私はとても新鮮なエッセンスを皆様からたくさん戴くことが出来ました。

しかし、最終日の朝、私は道場へ向かう途中でこんなことを考えていました。「私はとても有意義な3日間を過ごしてきたものの、何一つ満足にできない。 最近受験した国家資格を含め、私生活においても、何一つ努力しても手にすることは出来なかった…。」情けない気持ちが溢れてきました。


5回目の「伝承のともしび」を読み始めたところなのに、情けない気持ちになってしまいましたが、実際生で経験し、教えを受けることも重要であると思いました。 これも池田先生がよくおっしゃっておられた「(知識に)知恵を働かせなければならない」事にも通じるものでしょうか?



2011.11.03 倉知 克行 [合気道4級]

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