Kumamoto Bridge 2012 by Katsuyuki Kurachi

Aikido Kumamoto Bridge  Seminar 2012










                                       [  Katsuyuki Kurachi   ]   2012年11月30日 倉知 克行

I have just attended the Aikido Seminar in France before I have come to Kumamoto Bridge Seminar.  What I realized from attending this seminar was that I have learned more fulfillment than my daily practice at own dojo.

At the Kumamoto Bridge Seminar, I was privileged to learn from many different Shinan and Sensei from Japan, U.S.A, Canada, and Turkey and I also learned many pointers from the peers attended this seminar.

I have observed there is a common message and connection in the context of the all instructors, and watching communication among the instructors emphasizes the importance of the bridge seminar.

Furthermore, I absorbed the great attitude toward Aikido from many instructors from other dojo’s who did not teach in this seminar.

It may be hard to understand what I’m talking about without attending this bridge seminar.

In the end, I experienced great instruction from Shimizu Kenji Sensei. Moreover, Shimizu Sensei’s precious talking about his experience with O-Sensei interested me the most.

In year of 2013 fall, we will have another bridge seminar in Kumamoto.  Please come and join this seminar. I look forward to see you at Kumamoto Bridge Seminar!

November 30th, 2012

By Katsuyuki Kurachi

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